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Bài tập từ vựng tiếng Anh cho trẻ em đề tài China – Trung Quốc. Cùng trẻ ôn luyện để làm tốt bài vở môn Social Studies nhé.

China – Trung Quốc

Hướng dẫn: Hãy nối những từ vựng bên cột trái với định nghĩa tương ứng bên cột phải.

1. dynasty A lamp with a transparent case that protects the flame or electric bulb. It has a handle for easy carrying
2. Confucius A written character symbolizing the idea of something without using the sounds necessary to say it
3. chopsticks Capital of China in the northeastern part of the country
4. calligraphy A real or imitation Hindu or Buddhist temple or sacred building, typically a many leveled tower
5. jade An oblong frame with rows of wire or grooves that beads are moved across for making calculations
6. emperor A giant woody grass that mainly grows in the tropics and is often used in making furniture and other implements
7. bamboo A succession of people from the same family that hold ruler positions in a country
8. Asia A toy that is made with a light frame with thin material stretched over it that is then flown in the wind with a string attached
9. rickshaw The largest continent that constitutes nearly one third of all landmass and lies predominantly north of the equator
10. lantern Decorative handwriting or handwriting written with a pen of paintbrush on a canvas as art
11. abacus A sovereign ruler with great rank and often unlimited power
12. ideogram A large bearlike mammal that is black and white in color and native to the bamboo forests of China
13. pagoda A Chinese philosopher that taught about practical morals
14. Beijing Each of a pair of small, thin, tapered sticks that are held in one hand and used for eating, often made of ivory, wood, or plastic
15. kite A small two wheeled cart that holds a single passenger and is pulled by another person
16. panda A hard, normally green stone, that is used to make ornaments and jewelry

Answer key

  1. dynasty: A succession of people from the same family that hold ruler positions in a country
  2. Confucius: A Chinese philosopher that taught about practical morals
  3. chopsticks: Each of a pair of small, thin, tapered sticks that are held in one hand and used for eating, often made of ivory, wood, or plastic
  4. calligraphy: Decorative handwriting or handwriting written with a pen of paintbrush on a canvas as art
  5. jade: A hard, normally green stone, that is used to make ornaments and jewelry
  6. emperor: A sovereign ruler with great rank and often unlimited power
  7. bamboo: A giant woody grass that mainly grows in the tropics and is often used in making furniture and other implements
  8. Asia: The largest continent that constitutes nearly one third of all landmass and lies predominantly north of the equator
  9. rickshaw: A small two wheeled cart that holds a single passenger and is pulled by another person
  10. lantern: A lamp with a transparent case that protects the flame or electric bulb. It has a handle for easy carrying
  11. abacus: An oblong frame with rows of wire or grooves that beads are moved across for making calculations
  12. ideogram: A written character symbolizing the idea of something without using the sounds necessary to say it
  13. pagoda: A real or imitation Hindu or Buddhist temple or sacred building, typically a many leveled tower
  14.  Beijing: Capital of China in the northeastern part of the country
  15. kite: A toy that is made with a light frame with thin material stretched over it that is then flown in the wind with a string attached
  16. panda: A large bearlike mammal that is black and white in color and native to the bamboo forests of China

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