Cùng ThinkEnglish theo dõi khái niệm, lịch sử Cách Mạng Công nghiệp cũng như một số từ vựng tiếng Anh theo chủ đề này nhé.
Industrial Revolution (Cách mạng công nghiệp) là gì?
Industrial revolution – Cách mạng công nghiệp, trong lịch sử hiện đại, là quá trình thay đổi từ một nền kinh tế nông nghiệp và thủ công nghiệp sang một nền kinh tế do công nghiệp và chế tạo máy thống trị. Các đặc điểm chính liên quan đến Cách mạng Công nghiệp là công nghệ, kinh tế xã hội và văn hóa.
Quá trình này bắt đầu ở Anh vào thế kỷ 18 và từ đó lan rộng ra các khu vực khác trên thế giới. Mặc dù được các nhà văn Pháp sử dụng sớm hơn, thuật ngữ Cách mạng Công nghiệp lần đầu tiên được sử dụng phổ biến bởi nhà sử học kinh tế người Anh Arnold Toynbee (1852–83) để mô tả sự phát triển kinh tế của Anh từ năm 1760 đến năm 1840. Kể từ thời Toynbee, thuật ngữ này đã được áp dụng rộng rãi hơn.
Chủ đề Industrial Revolution – Cách mạng Công nghiệp là một chủ đề chính trong chương trình học môn Social Studies – Xã hội học của trẻ em Hoa Kỳ để hiểu về cuộc cách mạng công nghiệp.
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Từ vựng chủ đề Industrial Revolution – Cách mạng công nghiệp
laissez faire (n) tự do kinh tế
The doctrine that the government should not interfere in any commercial affair beyond what is necessary to keep peace and property rights
→ In every department we find the same reaction against the doctrines of laissez-faire.

transform (v) biến đổi
A person or thing that fundamentally change the essence of something or someone
→ We’ve never been able to transform a vamp into a human in thousands of years.

infrastructure (n) cơ sở hạ tầng
The basic physical and organizational structures of a facility or organization
→ Assess what damage you can and rebuild the critical infrastructure systems.

assembly (n) hội đồng
A group of people that gather together in a single place for a common purpose
→ The general assembly meets once a year at the time and place agreed upon and appointed by its predecessor.

canal (n) con kênh
An artificial waterway that allows for the passage of boats or ships inland, may also be used to move water for irrigation
→ During some months young Garfield served as bowsman, deck-hand and driver of a canal boat.

union (n) liên hiệp, liên minh
A group of people joining together to bring about change in a company through dealing with employers
→ Some are petitioning the State to dissolve the Union, to disregard the requisitions of the President.

utilitarianism (n) thuyết vị lợi
The belief that anything that is done is ok as long as the most of the people will benefit from it
→ In unity, consistency and thoroughness of method, Bentham’s utilitarianism has a decided superiority over Paley’s.

craftsman (n) thợ thủ công
A person who is skilled in a particular craft, or art
→ A craftsman often adopted a son to learn the craft.

communism (n) chủ nghĩa cộng sản
A political idea that wants some people to be better than others and all property belonging to the public
→ Communism can lead to a loss of personal freedoms and individualism.

capitalism (n) chủ nghĩa tư bản
An economic and political system by which a country’s industry and trade are controlled by private owners that wish to make money
→ In fact, as Roberto Unger has demonstrated, there is no elective affinity between capitalism and democracy.

aqueduct (n) cầu cống
An artificial, man-made channel for the conveying of water
→ The aqueduct was constructed in quite recent times, rain-water having previously given the only supply.

socialism (n) chủ nghĩa xã hội
Economic or political theory that advocates for governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
→ Socialism had become a political force in the land.

proletariat (n) giai cấp vô sản
The class of industrial wage earners who have neither production or capital means
→ Of the agricultural proletariat two-thirds were employed by small owners and one-third by the owners of large estates.

Từ vựng tiếng Anh theo chủ đề Industrial Revolution mở rộng
agriculture: nông nghiệp
The practice of cultivating the land or raising stock
→ Although it’s called agriculture in the world of food.
assembly line: dây chuyền lắp rấp
Mechanical system in a factory whereby an article is conveyed through sites at which successive operations are performed on it
→ So I spent two years getting to know assembly line workers.
automation: tự động
The act of implementing the control of equipment
→ The service relied on automation and human-based computation.
cotton gin: máy tỉa sợi, tách hạt bông
A machine that separates the seeds from raw fibers
→ His great-granddad had been Eli Whitney, the inventor of the cotton gin.
demand: yêu cầu, nhu cầu
The ability and desire to purchase goods and services
→ The biggest advantage is that this is a market with continuous demand.
entrepreneur: doanh nhân
Someone who organizes a business venture
→ I left, and I became a social entrepreneur.
locomotive: đầu máy xe lửa
A self-propelled vehicle that draws a train along a track
→ He fell between the first car and the locomotive.
manufacture: chế tạo, sản xuất
Put together out of artificial or natural components
→ Indeed, there are many of us who aren’t so sure about the manufacturer.
mass production: sản xuất hàng loạt
The production of large quantities of a standardized article
→ Many of these systems are used for rapid prototyping, before mass production methods are employed.
mechanization: sự cơ khí hóa
The act of using technology to automate a process or system
→ Yes. But we need mechanization.
modernization: sự đổi mới, sự hiện đại hóa
The act of making up-to-date in appearance or behavior
→ This is a country that indeed has gone through a very, very interesting modernization.
monopoly: độc quyền
A market in which there are many buyers but only one seller
→ Federal Circuit has a monopoly on all patent appeals.
natural resources: nguồn tài nguyên thiên nhiên
Resources (actual and potential) supplied by nature
→ Besides polluting the earth, humans are depleting its natural resources at an alarming rate.
railroad: đường xe lửa
Line that is the commercial organization responsible for operating a system of transportation for trains that pull passengers or freight
→ So, to them, the railroad worm in stealth mode is virtually invisible.
reaper: máy gặt, người gặt
Farm machine that gathers a food crop from the fields
→ As the lad grew, he often accompanied the reapers to join his father in the field.
revolution: cuộc cách mạng
A drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking
→ Let’s make the feminist revolution a humanist revolution.
spinning jenny: máy kéo sợi, máy dệt
An early spinning machine with multiple spindles
→ James Hargreaves invents the spinning jenny.
standard of living: chất lượng cuộc sống
A level of material comfort in terms of goods and services available to someone or some group
→ The standard of living was improving in many parts of the world.
steamboat: thuyền hơi nước
A boat propelled by a steam engine
→ By 1845, steamboats regularly travelled on the river until 1961, when the last steamers ceased operation.
steam engine: động cơ hơi nước
External-combustion engine in which heat is used to raise steam which either turns a turbine or forces a piston to move up and down in a cylinder
→ And not nearly as many small steam engines being built anymore, only large ones for big operations.