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Bài tập từ vựng tiếng Anh cho trẻ em đề tài Antarctica – Châu Nam cực. Cùng trẻ ôn luyện để làm tốt bài vở môn Social Studies nhé.

Antarctica – Châu Nam cực

Hướng dẫn: Hãy nối những từ vựng bên cột trái với định nghĩa tương ứng bên cột phải.

1. conservationistA type of plant that is native to the mountain regions and can grow on rocks or upper elevations
2. treacherousChanging to fit into an environment or situation
3. terrainHazardous because of presenting dangers or unseen harm
4. hemisphereA fungus that grows symbiotically with algae to form a crust on rocks and trees
5. continentA small area of grass that is longer than any grass that surrounds it or a tuft of hair or feather
6. tundraA vast flat treeless Arctic region in which permafrost exists
7. permafrostA thick sub surface layer of soil that remains frozen throughout the year, this is typically only found in polar regions
8. lichensVery cold area around the North Pole
9. arcticAny of the seven largest land masses on the Earth (Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America)
10. zoneThe way a piece of land is decribed such as rough or grassy or smooth
11. alpineAn area of land that has a particular purpose or characteristic
12. polarSomeone or a group of people who try to help the Earth and animals any way they can
13. adaptationsOf or pertaining to the North or South Pole
14. tussocksA place that can give temporary protection from harm such as attackers or bad weather
15. shelterHalf a sphere, half the Earth that is usually divided into north or south by the equator and east and west by the prime meridian

Answer key

  1. conservationist: Someone or a group of people who try to help the Earth and animals any way they can
  2. treacherous: Hazardous because of presenting dangers or unseen harm
  3. terrain: The way a piece of land is decribed such as rough or grassy or smooth
  4.  hemisphere: Half a sphere, half the Earth that is usually divided into north or south by the equator and east and west by the prime meridian
  5. continent: Any of the seven largest land masses on the Earth (Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America)
  6. tundra: A vast flat treeless Arctic region in which permafrost exists
  7. permafrost: A thick sub surface layer of soil that remains frozen throughout the year, this is typically only found in polar regions
  8. lichens: A fungus that grows symbiotically with algae to form a crust on rocks and trees
  9. arctic: Very cold area around the North Pole
  10. zone: An area of land that has a particular purpose or characteristic
  11. alpine: A type of plant that is native to the mountain regions and can grow on rocks or upper elevations
  12. polar: Of or pertaining to the North or South Pole
  13. adaptations: Changing to fit into an environment or situation
  14. tussocks: A small area of grass that is longer than any grass that surrounds it or a tuft of hair or feather
  15. shelter: A place that can give temporary protection from harm such as attackers or bad weather

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