Chủ đề America under Attack – Nước Mỹ bị tấn công là một chủ đề chính trong chương trình học môn Social Studies – Xã hội học của trẻ em Hoa Kỳ để hiểu về đời sống và lịch sử nước Mỹ. Hãy cùng ThinkEnglish tìm hiểu một số từ vựng tiếng Anh theo chủ đề này nhé!
Bối cảnh lịch sử của sự kiện 11/9
Trong cuộc tấn công vào nước Mỹ ngày 11/9, 19 tên khủng bố liên kết với nhóm Hồi giáo cực đoan al Qaeda đã cướp 4 máy bay và thực hiện các cuộc tấn công liều chết nhằm vào các mục tiêu ở Hoa Kỳ. Hai trong số các máy bay đã bay vào tòa tháp đôi của Trung tâm Thương mại Thế giới ở thành phố New York, một máy bay thứ ba đâm vào Lầu Năm Góc ngay bên ngoài Washington, D.C, và máy bay thứ tư đã rơi xuống một cánh đồng ở Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Tổng cộng 2.996 người đã thiệt mạng trong vụ tấn công 11/9, bao gồm cả 19 tên không tặc khủng bố trên 4 chiếc máy bay.
Ngày 11/9 trở thành ngày tưởng niệm quốc gia tại Mỹ với tên gọi Patriot Day (Ngày Ái quốc).
Tên của tất cả 2.983 nạn nhân được khắc trên 152 tấm đồng xung quanh hồ bơi, được sắp xếp theo vị trí của các cá nhân vào ngày xảy ra vụ tấn công, vì vậy đồng nghiệp và những người trên cùng chuyến bay được tưởng nhớ cùng nhau. Địa điểm này đã được mở cửa cho công chúng vào ngày 11 tháng 9 năm 2011, để kỷ niệm 10 năm ngày 11/9.
Từ vựng chủ đề America Under Attack – Nước Mỹ bị tấn công
terrorism (n): chính sách khủng bố
The use of violence and intimidation in order to further political aim
→ I want to raise the link between world terrorism and the situation in the Middle East.

evacuated (v): sơ tán
To remove someone from a place of danger, leave or cause occupants to leave
→ Hospital staff and casualties were then evacuated to the Government Hospital in the city.

harbored (v): ấp ủ, nuôi dưỡng
To remember bad thoughts as a secret or to give someone a home
→ Eleven years later, many still harbor frustration and confusion about what happened at the Dubrovka Theater.

hijack (v): cướp máy bay
Illegal seize in transit to force it to go in another direction or to a new destination
→ When the planes were in mid-flight they were hijacked by 19 al-Qaeda terrorists.

unite (v): đoàn kết, chung sức
Bring together or unify for a common purpose or action
→ If the opposition groups unite, they may will command over 55 percent of the vote.

inhalation (n): sự hít vào
To take in through the nose or mouth while breathing
→ In the North Tower, 1,355 people at or above the point of impact were trapped and died of smoke inhalation, fell or jumped from the tower to escape the smoke and flames, or were killed in the building’s collapse.

inhumanity (n): vô nhân đạo, nhẫn tâm
Extremely brutal or cruel behaviors
→ They are agents of grace offering a human face in inhumane situations.

reassure (v): yên tâm, yên lòng
Do something or say something that removes doubt and fear for others
→ These are reassuring words, particularly for those who seek security and progress within the multilateral framework.

repercussion (n): hậu quả tiềm ẩn
An unexpected consequence that happens sometime after the actual event
→ In those conversations, the two referred to “an incident that would take place in America on, or around, September 11” and they discussed potential repercussions.

retaliate (v): trả thù
To make an assault or to attack someone after they have attacked you
→ If it was for retaliation, they would have killed Tony right here.

sanctuary (n): nơi tị nạn
A place of safety and refuge
→ And if you’re sanctuary, I’ll take whatever else is lying around.

smolder (v): cháy âm ỉ
Smoke that rises from a fire that is still burning slowly but has no flame
→ Hold it down and let it smolder and perish and go out?

society (n): xã hội
The community of people that live in a particular region that have shared laws, customs, and organizations
→ The impact of 9/11 extends beyond geopolitics into society and culture in general.

solidarity (n): sự đoàn kết
Unity among people who have a common interest or goal
→ The attacks were denounced by mass media and governments worldwide. Across the globe, nations offered pro-American support and solidarity.

tragedy (n) bi kịch
An event that causes destruction, suffering, and distress
→ In a speech by the Nizari Ismaili Imam at the Nobel Institute in 2005, Aga Khan IV stated that the “9/11 attack on the United States was a direct consequence of the international community ignoring the human tragedy that was Afghanistan at that time”.

unspeakable (adj): không thể diễn tả bằng lời (trường hợp xấu)
Not able to express in words because it is too bad
→ It has become clear that the West in general and America in particular have an unspeakable hatred for Islam.

aftermath (n): hậu quả
The overall consequences of an event that have a lasting presence
→ Media coverage was extensive during the attacks and aftermath, beginning moments after the first crash into the World Trade Center.

coalition (n): liên hiệp, liên minh
A combination of people that come together for a common reason, even if they do not normally agree
→ Approximately one month after the attacks, the United States led a broad coalition of international forces to overthrow the Taliban regime from Afghanistan for their harboring of al-Qaeda.

counterterrorism (n): chống khủng bố
Military or political activities that are made to stop terrorism
→ The CIA gave Gillespie surveillance photos of Mihdhar and Hazmi from the meeting to show to FBI counterterrorism, but did not tell her their significance.

Từ vựng tiếng Anh theo chủ đề America Under Attack mở rộng
abolitionist: người theo chủ nghĩa bãi nô
A reformer who favors putting an end to slavery
→ Many of these activists became politically aware during the abolitionist movement.
acquitted: tha tội
Declared not guilty of a specific offense or crime
→ A small number were acquitted.
advocate: luật sư
A person who pleads for a person, cause, or idea
→ You’d make a fine advocate, yourself.
agrarian: ruộng đất, nông nghiệp
Relating to rural matters
→ So, we moved from an agrarian economy to an industrial economy.
chancellor: thủ tướng
The person who is head of state (in several countries)
→ But the chancellor spoke one truth, if only one.
chattel: động sản, tài sản cá nhân
Personal property, as opposed to real estate
→ Born into chattel slavery, Araminta, or Minty, was the fifth of nine children.
Cold War: chiến tranh lạnh
A state of political hostility that existed from 1945 until 1990 between countries led by the Soviet Union and countries led by the United States
→ The entire span of the cold war would do it, but specifically, the 1980s.
collective bargaining: thương lượng tập thể
Negotiation between an employer and a trade union
→ You don’t toss around their right to collective bargaining like a poker chip.
despotism: chế độ chuyên chế
Dominance through threat of punishment and violence
→ But the really, I think, dangerous thing about skepticism with regard to truth is that it leads to despotism.
detente: xoa dịu căng thẳng
The easing of tensions or strained relations
→ The talks are aimed at furthering détente between the two countries.
devastate: tàn phá
Cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly
→ The report pinpoints several factors , which make the current crisis particularly devastating.
diagnose: chẩn đoán
Subject to a medical analysis.
→ Well, we do need him to diagnose his friend.
dictator: kẻ độc tài
A ruler who is unconstrained by law
→ In fact, I don’t want to be a dictator anymore!
immigrant: dân nhập cư
A person who comes to a country in order to settle there
→ They will be blaming immigrants and poor people.
manumit: giải phóng nô lệ
Free from slavery or servitude
→ An owner who manumitted a slave paid a “freedom tax”, calculated at 5% of value.
nationalism: chủ nghĩa dân tộc
The doctrine that your country’s interests are superior
→ The right’s always been about money, nationalism, the law of the jungle.
perish: diệt vong, chết
Pass from physical life
→ How is it that ye will perish, because of the hardness of your hearts?
republic: nền cộng hòa
A form of government whose head of state is not a monarch
→ You have struck fear into the very heart of the Republic.
suffrage: quyền bầu cử
A legal right to vote
→ Suffrage is universal for citizens over age 21.
treaty: hiệp ước, thỏa thuận
A written agreement between two states or sovereigns
→ The treaty is now a dead letter.