Cùng tìm hiểu rõ hơn về American Revolution – Cách mạng Mỹ thông qua danh sách từ vựng tiếng Anh theo chủ đề sau đây nhé.
American Revolution – Cách mạng Mỹ (1775-83) nảy sinh từ căng thẳng ngày càng tăng giữa cư dân của 13 thuộc địa Bắc Mỹ của Vương quốc Anh và chính phủ thuộc địa, đại diện cho vương miện của Anh. Các cuộc giao tranh giữa quân đội Anh và dân quân thuộc địa ở Lexington và Concord vào tháng 4 năm 1775 đã mở đầu cho cuộc xung đột vũ trang.
Và đến mùa hè năm sau, quân nổi dậy tiến hành một cuộc chiến tranh toàn diện để giành độc lập của họ. Pháp tham gia cuộc Cách mạng Mỹ với phe thuộc địa vào năm 1778, biến những gì về cơ bản là một cuộc nội chiến thành một cuộc xung đột quốc tế. Sau khi sự trợ giúp của Pháp giúp Lục quân Lục địa buộc Anh đầu hàng tại Yorktown, Virginia, vào năm 1781, người Mỹ đã giành được độc lập một cách hiệu quả, mặc dù cuộc chiến sẽ không chính thức kết thúc cho đến năm 1783.
Chủ đề American Revolution – Cách mạng Mỹ là một chủ đề chính trong chương trình học môn Social Studies – Xã hội học của trẻ em Hoa Kỳ để hiểu về đời sống và lịch sử nước Mỹ.
Từ vựng chủ đề American Revolution – Cách mạng Mỹ
column (n): chiến binh
A long stretch of soldiers that fight in a forward motion
→ Three hundred Americans attack the British column near the Concord River.

regiment (n): trung đoàn
A permanent unit of an army commanded by a colonel and divided into several companies, squadrons, or batteries or to be organized in a strict manner
→ The regiment passed through the village and stacked its arms in front of the last huts.

guerilla (n): quân du kích
A member of an irregular armed force that fights a stronger enemy through force, sabotage, and harassment
Bruce is said to have proposed retreat and a guerilla war, but his council were for fighting.

rebel (n): người chống đối
One who rises against or offers resistance to an established norm, government, or ruler
→ He was back in Rome early in 1503, and took part in reducing the last rebel Orsinis.

loyalist (n): người trung thành
A colonist of the American Revolution that supported the British, often called a Tory
→ Loyalists who stayed in the US were generally able to retain their property and become American citizens.

secrecy (n): sự kín đáo, bí mật
Controlling and hiding information from others
→ On November 9, 1775, the Continental Congress adopted its own oath of secrecy, one more stringent than the oaths of secrecy it would require of others in sensitive employment.

smuggle (v): buôn lậu
Move goods or other things such as people in secret or in a hidden manner, sometimes illegally
→ Several Latin American countries also smuggle drugs into the United States.

repeal (v,n): hủy bỏ, bãi bỏ
Cancel a decision or choice
→ In the dispute with the American colonies his sympathies were with the latter, and in 1766 he carried the repeal of the Stamp Act.

cannonade (n): súng đại bác
A time of heavy, continuous gunfire
→ The battle began on both sides with a cannonade from several hundred guns.

profiteer (n): kẻ trục lợi
One who seeks to make a large and unfair profit through illegal or dishonest means
→ Tell that to the Jaguar workers in Coventry who are being thrown on the scrapheap by multinational profiteer Ford.

disguise (v,n): cải trang, ngụy trang
Alter appearance in order to conceal true identity
→ Twice in that year he went the round of the Sicilian cities in disguise, and prepared the insurrectionary movement of 1860.

treason (n): phản quốc
A crime against one’s own country, especially when trying to kill the person in charge
→ Kings began to insist upon trying ecclesiastics for treason or other political crimes in secular courts.

preamble (n): lời mở đầu
A preliminary, introductory, or beginning statement
→ Without preamble he began talking.

Từ vựng tiếng Anh theo chủ đề American Revolution mở rộng
amendment: sự sửa đổi
A statement that is added to a proposal or document
→ The amendment makes it so the only way Daniel can fully access his trust before he turns 30 is to get married.
colonist: người định cư ở đất nước mới, thực dân
One who settles or establishes a settlement in a new region
→ Newly created and often remote, they’re hard for colonists to reach.
colony: thuộc địa
A geographical area controlled by a distant country
→ What are they going to think when we actually form a colony on Mars?
delegate: người đại diện
A person appointed or elected to represent others
→ Me and my delegates are about inches from walking out.
executive: điều hành, hành pháp
Having the function of carrying out plans or orders
→ Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses.
grievance: lời phàn nàn, bất bình
An allegation that something denies some legal right
→ Nevertheless, we must let go of our grievances.
import: nhập khẩu
Commodities bought from a foreign country
→ Japan is the largest importer of U.S. farm products.
independence: sự tự do
Freedom from control or influence of another or others
→ Our people thirst for independence.
judicial: tòa án
Relating to the administration of justice
→ However, the decision to reinstate is made by the original judicial committee.
legislative: lập pháp
Relating to a lawmaking assembly
→ By the time of the 2004 legislative election, Bettel had significantly consolidated his position, and finished fourth (of the five DP members elected), giving him a seat in the Chamber of Deputies.
legislature: cơ quan lập pháp
An assembly that makes, amends, or repeals laws
→ I’ve decided to stand for the legislature in the next election.
levy: thu thuế
Impose and collect
→ Perhaps the villa you now occupy and a portion of the taxes levied upon port?
petition: kiến nghị, thỉnh cầu
A formal request that something be submitted to an authority
→ Oh, we need more names for our petition.
ratify: phê chuẩn
Approve and express assent, responsibility, or obligation
→ All of these nations have ratified Kyoto.
redcoat: lính Anh
British soldier; so-called because of his red coat
→ Ye wanna bring the redcoats down on us?
repeal: hủy bỏ
Cancel officially
→ The parliament also ratified 38 international treaties and conventions as well as repealed 50 laws.
tariff: thuế quan
A government tax on imports or exports
→ Vietnam’s past success in reducing trade costs, mainly due to tariff reduction, is reaching a ceiling.
taxation: hệ thống thuế
charge against a citizen’s person or property or activity
→ He established consistent taxation for all provinces, ending private exploitation by local tax officials.
tyranny: hành động bạo ngược
Government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator
→ One issue of debate was large states wanting a larger say, nullified by small states who feared tyranny.
traitor: kẻ phản bội, kẻ phản quốc
Someone who betrays his country by committing treason
→ I found the traitors, but I wasn’t the one burning them alive.
Quiz/ Bài tập
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